TSA Weekly: What About Our Success?

TSA Weekly: What About Our Success?

read on kellylgabel.com | January 22, 2025

Hi there, Reader!

🧠 Thought of the Week

We’re so often told to reflect on and dissect our failures to help us know what needs to change in order to succeed…but what about our success? Isn’t it just as, or maybe even MORE important for us to understand what we are doing when things go right so that we can replicate it?

Matthew McConaughey got me going down this train of thought this week and I think he’s really on to something!

Do you already dissect your success in a similar way? If so, how do you see that impacting your business (or do you not really see an impact at all?)

I spent some time thinking about what it might look like to dissect success, and that’s part of what I’m talking about this week on the podcast. Give it a watch (or listen) and let me know what you think about this?


⚙️ Streamline Your Week

Also over on my YouTube channel, I’ve been staying focused on those things that most business owners are thinking about at the beginning of a new year…namely, goals!

As you might expect, I use Trello to help me plan and track my goals for the year (most importantly, what progress I’m making, or what might not be working).

It’s a really simple Trello board (no automation at all…can you believe it?! 🤯), but it might be just what you are looking for!

video preview

🎯Take Action

Before I let you go for the week, I like to give you something actionable to take away with you. There are two that come to mind this week, so I’m going to mention them both! Take action with one, or if you are feeling ambitious…both!

  • In this week’s podcast episode, the idea of starting a Success Journal came up when we were watching Matthew’s clip. Start your very own Success Journal, using the success dissection steps I shared.
  • Make your very own version of my Goals and KPI Tracker in Trello.

As always, I’m super curious to hear how it goes, so drop me a quick line and let me know which action(s) you took and how it’s going so far!

Let it be Easy,

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TSA Weekly with Kelly L. Gabel

Want to grow your business without the tech headaches? My TSA Weekly Podcast & Newsletter break down automation and systems into simple, practical steps—so you can work smarter, not harder. Let’s make business easier (and more fun). Subscribe today!