TSA Weekly: 'Cuz You Said You Would

TSA Weekly: 'Cuz You Said You Would

read on kellylgabel.com | December 4, 2024

Hi there, Reader!

🧠 Thought of the Week

'Cuz You Said You Would
Mel Robbins

External motivation can come in a lot of different forms, from gamification (competition and rewards) to negative consequences (like getting fired!), and while most can be effective for a while…they ultimately have the same problem.

They rely on someone else.

As a business owner, and more importantly, as a Solopreneur, there may not be “someone else” around all the time to help you stay motivated! That’s why it is vital that you learn to build that muscle that so many of us have forgotten we have: self-motivation.

I ran across a video on Mel Robbin’s IG the other day that brought this idea to the front of my mind and I realized that it was about time we had this conversation.

Watch the podcast (including Mel’s video that sparked it) below, and do me a favor…don’t leave me hanging! Comment and answer the question I asked at the end of the episode (or if you’d prefer, reply here and we can keep the conversation just between you and me.)


⚙️ Streamline Your Week

Gratitude is such an important part of your business success. Building gratitude into your process is such a great to keep yourself grounded and make sure that your mindset is where it needs to be every single day.

That’s why I’ve got a super simple Trello board to show you this week which will help you with both your Trello habit and your gratitude mindset!

It’s a win-win!

video preview

🎯Take Action

Pick one thing that you’ve been “meaning to” start doing in your business, and make it a non-negotiable this week. Do it just 'cuz you said you would!

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Let it be Easy,

TSA Weekly with Kelly L. Gabel

Want to grow your business without the tech headaches? My TSA Weekly Podcast & Newsletter break down automation and systems into simple, practical steps—so you can work smarter, not harder. Let’s make business easier (and more fun). Subscribe today!